When Should You Buy Life Insurance

Many people do not realize it is easier and cheaper to buy life insurance when you are young and healthy!

Life insurance agents recommend getting a policy in your early 20s. While life seems to just be starting at this young age, you can expect things to change as marriage, home ownership, children, and careers start to take prominence.

Additionally, life insurance premiums are much lower when you start at an earlier age, and as you progress through life, you can work with your agent to make changes as needed. Life insurance can be purchased at various ages, but specific milestones exist that life insurance brokers acknowledge as being more important.  The best age to buy life insurance is between ages 25 to 30.

When You Have A Family

Life insurance is most often seen as important when you start a family.  What would your spouse, son or daughter, do without your income? How long could they maintain their lifestyle?  Often times when starting a family you incur larger debt, life insurance can pay off the debts if something tragic happens.

Aging Parents

The cost of care for seniors can be very expensive, depending on their health needs. Whether you are caring for them yourself, or paying for the assistance they need, you want to be sure that the necessary care continues if something were to happen to you.

When Purchasing A Home

As a family grows, the home must accommodate the new little residents. Life insurance provides a safety net when your own a home with a mortgage, helping to make sure that the financial payments are covered in the event of a tragic, or untimely death.

When You Own a Business or Self-Employed

Life insurance agents strongly recommend getting life insurance if you are self-employed, or own a business. In both scenarios your finances and your business’ future can be secured if something were to  happen to you, and also allowing you to worry less. Life insurance can provide cash to pay off business debt, expenses incurred, and still owed by your business 

Dtown Insurance agents are experienced in all types of life insurance: Term, Whole, or Universal life insurance.  We also have access to multiple life insurance companies, like Banner, AAA, and Pacific Life. Call us today at 215-345-1796.

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