National Insurance Day

National Life Insurance Day each year on May 2nd marks the anniversary of the first day that life insurance became available in the United States. Besides your employer term policy, what else do you have in place?

In Doylestown we can offer great options for life insurance.  We have more that one carrier to find you the coverage you need. Term, Whole, or Universal Life Insurance - You have some great options!

The sale of life insurance in the U.S. began in the late 1760s. The Presbyterian Synods in Philadelphia and New York City created the Corporation for Relief of Poor and Distressed Widows and Children of Presbyterian Ministers in 1759.

On May 2, 1759, the charter recorded for the Corporation for Relief of Poor and Distressed Widows and Children of Presbyterian Ministers. Episcopalian priests created a comparable relief fund in 1769. Between 1787 and 1837, more than two dozen life insurance companies were started, but fewer than half a dozen survived.

Life insurance can do some great and amazing things for families.

It can buy loved one’s time to grieve. It can also pay off debts and loans, providing surviving family members with the chance to move on with a clean slate. Life insurance allows families to stay in their home, fund a child's college or technical education.  Life insurance also provides  cash flow for a family to survive.

Call or email us today - We will help you get the protection you need.

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